What’s Amie writing now?

Dear Friends,

You may not see it yet, but I’ve been a writing machine since the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve. Here’s what 2019 has brought so far:

In January, I wrote a 70K novel for Harlequin Heartwarming. FIREFIGHTERS!!! It’s with my wonderful editor Dana now, and I’m hoping she’ll love it. I think it’s one of my most emotional books yet, and if my readers aren’t sobbing at least three times, they’re tougher than I am.

In February, I wrote a 65K cozy mystery–yes, COZY MYSTERY!! I love reading them, and I finally got brave enough to write one. I loved everything about that process, and I sure hope the publisher I sent it to loves it, too. So much fun! Could my writing tree branch into cozies alongside romances?

In March, I wrote the next novella in the Grand Hotel series from White Pine Island. This one will be called Celebration at the Grand Hotel, and one of my characters is–gasp!–a computer gamer. That’s right, he’s one of those people who designs online games that have teenagers neglecting their homework and adults letting the housekeeping go. Alas, though, if you fall in love with a gamer, how do you know if it’s the real thing? Watch for that book soon.

It’s still March, but I have begun my April project. I’m going back to the beach where I started. My early works Will Work for Love, Blue Bottle Beach, and The Gull Motel are still the books of my heart, and they were all on a beach somewhere where it’s always warm. My new one will unfold in a marina in the Florida Keys. I’m putting my heart into every word throughout the rest of March and all of April. I can’t wait to share sneak peeks with you!

Thanks for reading romance and sharing my journey!
